Editorial Services

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Read below for general information that applies to both areas of editorial services.

My Philosophy of Editing

You’ve completed a manuscript. Now what? First, go celebrate. I’ll still be here when you get back. Completing a story (be it a novel, novella, or short story) or a piece of academic scholarship (be it an article, research paper, master’s thesis, or doctoral dissertation) is a great accomplishment, and it was a lot of work. I respect all that went into that act of creation, and I’m here to help you make the most of it.

No editor can make a piece of writing perfect. There is no such thing as perfection when human beings are involved, but a good editor can help you present a better version of your work to the world. A good editor knows genre expectations and requirements and can read between the words to figure out the writer’s intention. A great editor can understand what your work could be and can help you transform it into its best possible shape.

This is my intention: to help writers grow and to help them craft works that transcend what they first thought possible when their rough draft was merely a twinkle in their mind’s eye.

What You’ll Receive

All editing will be provided electronically, in an MS Word document with changes tracked and comments embedded, or in a PDF file viewable with the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, based on your preference. Developmental editing will focus more on the big picture, so you’ll receive an editorial letter and minimal line notes. Substantive / line editing will focus heavily on the craft behind each sentence, so the line notes will be extensive, but an editorial letter with overall comments on style and grammar will be included. Copy edits will focus on technical and mechanical issues, so there will be more track changes than line notes. An editorial letter might be included to explain any consistent issues.

How It Works

You’ll choose the type and level of editing you want for your project, then fill out a form asking you questions about the project. You’ll attach a file to the form so that I can glance through the pages. I’ll confirm receipt of the information and let you know when to expect a sample edit, an estimate on the project turnaround, and the total bill for the project (I’ve included charge ranges in my service listings–total bill will be based on an estimate of the work needed upon the initial review of the materials).

Editorial and Payment Schedule

For developmental editing or other editorial projects under $300.00, the total fee is due upfront after I send the sample edit and total bill.

For projects other than developmental editing or projects that start at $300.00, the first ½ of the total charge for the job is due upfront after I send the sample edit and total bill. The final ½ of the total charge for the job is due upon receipt of the first half of the critique.

Payment can be made with a check or money order or with a major credit card or electronic funds transfer through PayPal.

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