Design Services Terms & Conditions and Contact Form

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    *Describe your project:

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    Privacy Policy

    Your information will not be shared with any other organizations or individuals outside of W. H. Horner Editorial & Design and will be used only to provide you with the services requested.

    Terms and Conditions

    1. Discovery and Scope of Work:

    The Designer and the Client will discuss the project in detail to create a clear scope of work, including descriptions of deliverables and the number of revisions the Designer will make without additional charge.

    2. Payment:

    Half of the agreed total bill is due upfront before work begins. The final amount is due after Client's approval of low-resolution samples. High-resolution finals will then be delivered.

    Payment can be made with a check or money order (receive a 1.25% discount) or with a major credit card or electronic funds transfer through PayPal.

    3. Termination:

    This agreement may be terminated by either party in the event of material change of circumstance, with notice sent to the other party via email.

    The Client shall receive a prorated refund based on the amount of work completed.

    4: Copyright:

    The Design shall become the sole property of the Client. Copyright shall be transferred to the Client upon completion of the project and final payment.

    5: Designer's Right to Display:

    The Designer shall retain the right to display the Designs within his design portfolio, both in physical and electronic form, and shall retain the right to display said materials on portfolio websites including, but not limited to, The Designer retains the right to link to either live or archived versions of websites designed per these services.

    6. Indemnity:

    The Client acknowledges and agrees that W. H. Horner Editorial & Design, W. H. Horner, and Fantasist Enterprises, their subsidiaries, clients, agents, artists, writers, representatives, or licensees may now or in the future be working on projects that contain concepts, ideas, and characters that are similar to those found in the Work. Any similarity between materials in the Work and any materials developed in the past or future by W. H. Horner Editorial & Design, W. H. Horner, and Fantasist Enterprises, their subsidiaries, clients, agents, artists, writers, representatives, or licensees shall be coincidental. The Client shall have no rights whatsoever in or to, nor will the Client make any claim against materials developed in the past or future by W. H. Horner Editorial & Design, W. H. Horner, and Fantasist Enterprises, their subsidiaries, clients, agents, artists, writers, representatives, or licensees notwithstanding any similarity to the Work.

    7. Applicable Law

    Regardless of the place of its physical execution, this Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Delaware, USA.

    8. Modification and Waiver:

    This Agreement may not be modified or altered except by a written instrument signed by the parties to be charged. No waiver of any term or condition of this Agreement, or of any breach of this Agreement or any portion thereof, shall be deemed a waiver of any other term, condition or breach of this Agreement or any portion thereof.

    9. Total Agreement:

    The Client acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement supersedes and replaces all other communications between the Client and the Host, and it represents the complete and entire agreement between the Client and the Host.

    10. Signatures:

    Filling out the form to the left shall constitute an electronic signature.