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Hard to Recommend a Book. . .

August 20th, 2012

. . . when you cannot remember the title.

I forgot the name of a book that I was attempting to recommend while on a panel Sunday morning at Gen Con. Well, here it is, for anyone interested:

English Through The Ages by William Brohaugh is basically a chronological list of words broken up by category. Need to know if your assassin can use a garrote (not until 1855–though he could certainly garrote someone as far back as 1625)? Maybe you’re not sure if that biologist should really be called that (not until 1875) or if she’d refer to herself as being homeothermic or not (if she’s working after 1870, then yes!).

By avoiding words that do not fit the historical period the world of your story is set in or based on, you help to create a more realistic and immersive experience for the reader.

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